Stefan Thomson


Homeless Hotell

Gothenburg is known for its annual television, film and music festivals, but there is another side to the city that tourists seldom see. Homelessness is a big issue here. To highlight the issue, a campaign was launched by the newspaper Faktum which is sold by homeless people in the city. Faktum opened a homeless hotel – offering guests the chance to join them sleeping where they usually do. Of course, this was a clever way to make people support them and raise awareness for the problem.

A BBC crew lead by reporter Greg McKenzie took it all the way and booked a room to sleep under the stars on a very cold wintern night with sub-zero temperatures. The campaign was awarded Gold in the category Photography/Image Craft and a diploma in the category Digital in Guldägget, Swedens largest advertising award. But most importantly, the website where you can book a site is still up and running and helping people in Gothenburg without a home.

All photographs was taken by Håkan Ludwigsson.

Visit Faktum Hotels at
